Four Reasons to Take a Parenting Course

Four Reasons to Take a Parenting Course

On its website, the Jai Institue website writes the following:

“Discover how our methodology, based on Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Intelligence, and Neurological Development, transforms your relationship with your child(ren).”

Our inner world is a reflection of our outer world. So becoming a better parent starts with working on ourselves. Here I will share four reasons to take a parenting course.

The Jai Institue claims to be the world’s top parenting course, and I agree it is top-notch! Working through the program with your coach supports you while digging deeper into your past, uncovering limiting beliefs and conditioned behavior. It allows you to see the whole picture, and the resources are right on target. The course came into my life at the perfect time as I was ready to further explore myself and my parenting.

Of course, I found this parenting course very synchronically. I started this 12-week process in June 2021 after meeting my coach, Linda Apoga, in a Facebook group. She was looking for someone to go through the course as her last step in her certification process.

For some reason, I felt an energetic connection calling me to this group, so I joined it. Two days later, I saw Linda’s post looking for a client to work with as part of her certification process. At that moment, I understood why I knew I had to join that group.

Four Reasons to Take a Parenting Course

You never go wrong when you invest in yourself. Remember that. I had been ‘doing inner work’ before I started the course and will continue to take the time to connect to myself for the rest of my life.

No one can ever ‘fix’ another person. However, one’s actions and energy can influence the behaviors of others. Therefore, once I realized this course was all about my soul searching, I knew it had arrived at the perfect time!

I felt very validated throughout the course because most of the topics I had already been focusing on and learning about during my transformation were included in the course. The program was the perfect way to piece together everything I had been learning. I felt like seeing how this module validated all the prior work I had completed. During the program, one week centred around work by Gabor Mate talking about healing trauma and another one shared findings from neuroscientists like Irene Lyon– these are my favorite topics to learn about!

#1 Taking a Parenting Course Gives You Support

I loved how Linda supported, listened to, and held space for me during our time together. She would connect ideas from past sessions, showing me how much she was paying attention and following my story.

Linda heard and saw me and gave me empathy. She asked me questions and got me to get curious about all aspects of my life. Not only did I complete two to three hours of video and writing/reflection weekly, but we also met for 70 to 90 minutes every Sunday for three months. It was something I looked forward to each week. That time was a gift to myself and my family.

#2 Taking a Parenting Course Gives you the Tools to Dig Deeper

I was looking to shift into a more aware and present existence with more connection with my kids. I am happy to report that I am well on my way. Putting myself first, prioritizing my healing, and shiting into the life I design are my goals, and Linda did such an excellent job getting me even further in these areas than I thought possible.

I had so many AHA moments, and it was such a pleasure completing the three-month course with Linda. I was able to dig deeper in many areas, and I practiced getting curious about situations with Linda. She showed me how integral it is to get curious to shift away from reacting and moving into an old, conditioned pattern. These days, I am learning how to respond.

#3 Taking a Parenting Course Connects the Whole Picture from Childhood to Adulthood

Having an outsider enter and take part in your journey is invaluable. I was able to share my story while focusing on the shifts I wanted to happen. Setting an intention for every session helped me move through situations and feelings. We worked to get to the root of some issues I wasn’t aware of before. I never felt rushed to get through my stuff. Linda was attentive, patient and ready to guide me.

I am reprogramming parts of myself who had always behaved as a child or mother. I am shifting into being an adult, taking responsibility for my actions. It is quite a process; talking things out with Linda helped me connect all stages in my life and see how behaviors are interconnected.

Playing on Playa Tamarindo – Oct 2020

#4 Taking a Parenting Course Provides Excellent Resources

I was obsessed with the curriculum at the Jai institute. It was so synchronistic that the course encompasses all my favorite things to learn about; all of the items that had been brought into my life the year before I started the actual course.

I love reading, listening to, and reflecting on many topics, especially nervous system science, emotional intelligence, the power of play, connecting to needs and feelings, and having empowered conversations. I wasn’t surprised when all of these topics were part of the course! If anything, it showed me that I have been on the right path!

In Conclusion

Although I only shared my top reasons for taking a parenting course, the benefits I experienced go way beyond the number four! Having the opportunity to go through a parenting class was so helpful, and I am super grateful for the experience. I was able to piece so many things together and accept where I am during this time in my life.

Finding a coach who resonates with you is essential. From our first sessions, I felt Linda’s desire to help me grow and develop. Her calming demeanour and attention to detail stood out from the get-go. I am blessed to have found such a loving and considerate coach.

Keep on Learning

I am also in Thom Bond’s year-long Compassion Course, which has opened my mind to allow many shifts in my life. I understand how everyone does things and acts in particular ways to meet their needs. Additionally, how we act has a direct effect on how others behave.

The Jai Institue says that “when we shift the way our children are raised, we shift the whole world.” I couldn’t agree more! You can only control yourself, yet you have the power to affect the world’s quality. Take the time to connect with your needs and feelings. You won’t regret it.

What would be your reasons for taking a parenting course? Share with me in the comment below.

Bekah Bottone

Article by Bekah Bottone

Published 10 Oct 2021