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Bekah guides her learners to success while building relationships with them.

Marguerite from France

Bekah worked with Marguerite while she was in high school. Then six years later, Marguerite reached out to Bekah to start up sessions again to prepare for internship interviews after graduating with her masters degree.

"I really like to speak every week with Bekah because it’s easy, she is always smiling, listening, and happy. She Bekah me lot of energy and self confidence. Every week, when we speak together, I feel much more relaxed and lighter. Beyond learning, it's really a moment of sharing and that's why I like these weekly meetings so much.

"I remember one class in particular where I was quite stressed and she could feel it. She recommended a meditation video for me to watch. After that I felt better, more relaxed. So it's a great achievement to have been able to create a strong bond, even thousands of miles away, with such a beautiful person as Bekah."

Marguerite landed the job she wanted after working with me for 8 sessions. In fact, with all her confidence, she asked for a permanent position and bypassed the internship role.

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Aga S from Poland

"Bekah is the BEST TEACHER in the world. Two years ago, I was afraid to speak in English, it was a big stress. I didn't understand Egyptian people when I traveled there. Their English was hard for me to understand.

But during my recent vacation in Egypt, I saw that I spoke normally, without fear. I understood everything. My husband told me that he sees my improvement too."

Martina from Italy

"Since 2017, I have been talking with Bekah for 30 minute session that I really enjoy.

Over time, I realized how much my English has improved while I was having fun. I love talking with Rebekah: she is available, she listens to you and corrects you with kindness. She is also wonderful with kids because she transmits happiness.

Sessions with Bekah are a wonderful experience and I recommend them."

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Anna M from Poland

"Bekah not only teaches you how to speak English fluently. She teaches how to boldly talk about your passions, express yourself and show your values. When I met Bekah, my biggest fear was speaking in English without feeling embarrassed or judged.

In addition to knowing the language, I gained the courage to talk about my skills, express my opinion and share my experiences in the topic of water protection, on my blog 'You are water' in my native language - without a language barrier. It seems so simple to me now.

Thank you Bekah for awakening my courage."

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