The Magic of Flow in Your Life!

The Magic of Flow in Your Life!

Allowing the magic of flow in our lives is a conscious decision we get to make every moment. We activate the magic of flow by connecting with ourselves to gain self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-love. Figuring out what we desire gives us focus to set intentions and be present in our chosen path. 

When focused and aware, we find our flow; this flow refers to being immersed in an activity while experiencing total enjoyment and creativity. Being open and ready for new opportunities while releasing a need for any specific outcome can engage flow. Expecting synchronicities and following both signs and your intuition is the way to go.

Are you following me? Remember that saying… 

Where focus goes, energy flows.

 the notebook I use as my 5-minute journal

Allow the Magic of Flow in Your Life

To get to where we strive to go in life, we must know where we want to be! Take time to make plans/goals. Be sure to dream, as it is an integral part of the process.

1. Organize your ideas.

I like to start my day off writing in my  5-minute journal. Ideally, I also complete the reflection questions at night, but I often skip this second step. Yet I believe it is essential to reflect on what went well and what could have been done differently. This reflection is a critical step to complete when working on transformation! 

In today’s 5-minute journal entry, under the section What would make today great? I wrote “work 3 hours – make deadlines.”

What the heck does ‘work 3 hours – make deadlines’ mean?

  • It could have meant that I had to complete something today to be on time. — But that wasn’t it.
  • I intended, with this entry, to develop a work plan containing deadlines so that I get things done and, therefore, grow in my professional life. This past year I have been evolving a lot in my personal life by connecting back to my true self. This transformation needed to be the first step. Nevertheless, after feeling a shift, it is time for the next phase of my journey.
  • As I started this planning, I came across my old Trello boards (I love to organize my goals using this website). Before today, I hadn’t used Trello for over a year and a half. However, I started using it again today. Looking back at my old boards, I came across THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM.
  • I started working on this system back in Oct 2019, but I didn’t get far. Therefore, it was pretty synchronistic that I saw it today as I felt ready for a new focus.

2. Make decisions, and take action.

To be successful, we must have the right mindset. I have created the mindset that everything iI need and desire comes to me at the perfect time, including those to guide me on my way.

Being reminded of THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM  was God/the Universe/Source sending me a tool to use. That is how I see it. Nowadays, my life is all about expecting synchronicities and following the signs. I am connecting to my true self and learning to live from love and my heart. 

Not only should we figure out exactly what we want our life to look like, but we should also focus on being aware of our feelings so we can really feel them and then move through or release them. 

You can also buy the book here

Read part of the intro from the book right here:   

Life is all about learning how to access the power within us. I love learning about the mind/brain, the subconscious, our bodies, and so much more. It is time for growth and expansion; I am open and ready!

3. Commit to yourself.

Are you ready to raise your vibration and quality of life? Let me know if you want to join me on this quest! Let’s ask our higher powers for guidance and support together. 

While continually learning how to validate myself, I share with others to help them learn how to validate themselves. As a teacher, sharing my experiences using different tools that guide me to live a thriving life comes naturally.

Join me in my Raising my Vibration Facebook group to learn more about my practices and motivation.  Isn't it time for you to discover the magic of flow in your life?

Bekah Bottone

Article by Bekah Bottone

Published 23 Mar 2021