Your Inner World

Your Inner World

Your inner world is a reflection of your outer world. If your inner world is chaotic and out of control, how can your external world be any different? The ability to find peace within directly determines the quality of your outer world.

The Master Key System is all about learning to use the power of your mind; Charles F. Haanel wrote and published this book in 1912. The Catholic church banned this 24-week’ course’ in 1933, so it was out of reach for many years. Yet today, you can use this self-discovery tool on your path toward higher consciousness. 

Do you have The Master Key System? I work through this book from time to time; I decided not to read each chapter consecutively but return to the book when I feel called.

Your Inner World

Part one of The Master Key System is all about discovering that our outer world reflects our inner world. About five years ago, I took a 6-week mediation course by Roman Zarudyanskiy. It was the first time I really ‘got the importance of making meditation a daily practice and doing something to connect to myself. The course encouraged me to create a meditation practice in my life.

Additionally, this course was also when I introduced meditation to my kids. In particular, I remember one morning a couple of months after I completed this course when I had stopped meditating consistently every morning. My son, who was almost six years old at the time, called me out.

He said to me, “So, mom, you haven’t been doing your morning mediation, have you?” Damn, I thought, my son is more aware of how beneficial meditation is in my life than I am. That was pretty awesome to realize. And I love that all I do to connect to myself is constantly rubbing off on my kids. 

I often find myself coming back to this idea of creating calmness in my inner world. It is how I refocus when needed. When things are feeling chaotic, I take the time to get in touch with myself. I take this time to check in with myself every single day. Connecting to oneself is a life-long journey and a practice that never ends.

How to Connect to Your Inner World

To understand your inner world, you must take the time to sit with yourself. It can get uncomfortable, or worse yet, you might not even know how to slow down and sit with yourself. But you can reprogram your brain and hack your nervous system; it is possible! There is always hope.

Let’s look at some of my favorite parts from Part One together. The following numbers are excerpts taken directly from the book by Charles F. Haanel.

# 8 

The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, and an infinite supply of all necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development, and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in your inner world, they will form your outer world. 

The Master Key System

Number eight gives me so much hope and fills me with an immense desire to take the time to connect with my true self, to sit with myself. We can only access this power when we go within. There is so much potential; it is infinite. We need to realize we can access that power.

# 10

Feeling harmony in the world within means controlling our thoughts and determining how any experience affects us. 

The Master Key System

Firstly, when I started going deeper, I found myself controlling my thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, and reactions. Despite this, I noticed a shift after some time and realized I wanted to be more AWARE, not in control. Awareness is always the answer.

Reading The Power of Now really helped me move toward this level of consciousness. If you haven’t read it yet, order it today! It is truly life-changing, and I also love listening to Eckhart Tolle on YouTube.

Today, one of my favorite affirmations is “Being aware of my thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, and reactions.” Furthermore, I repeat this affirmation as I enter my weekly ice back. It reminds me of my power and puts me in the right mindset. 

Your Subconscious Via Your Inner World

# 22

Without a doubt, we are connected to the world within through the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind; the sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjunctive sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination, and all other subconscious phenomena. Through the subconscious, we are connected with the Universal Mind and brought into relation with the Infinite constructive force of the Universe.

The Master Key System

I love to learn about the subconscious and how we can communicate with it through muscle testing (such as the sway test) and energy test (the tummy test). I love reading and listening to topics related to productivity and how to hack the brain, especially things by the neuroscientist Andrew Huberman. Using breathing to regulate stress is a superpower! Check out this article here for more info.

I had an incredible experience a few weeks ago concerning my subconscious. I did a past life regression and then got to talk with my higher self for an hour. Before the experience, I created questions to ask when conversing with my higher self. During the conversation, I told myself that I was on the right track and the convo just reiterated everything I have been doing/learning this past year. It helped me feel validated and on the right path. My higher self was thrilled with my progress which made me feel proud of myself.

# 31

Every thought is a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason, you must control your thoughts to bring forth only desirable conditions. 

The Master Key System

This idea is the TRUTH. Just this past week, while in an English session, I said, ‘I never get stung by bees.’ Later that evening, as I walked around my neighborhood with my dog and daughter, guess what happened. I got stung by a bee! It is crazy how that stuff always seems to happen. The phrase ‘stung by bees’ rang throughout the universe, and then that is what happened!

Be careful what you think and say; it can quickly turn into truth. 


All growth is from within, which nature illustrates so perfectly. Every plant, every animal, every human is a living testimony to this great law, and the error of the ages is in looking for strength or power from without. 

The Master Key System

My journey this past year has shown me that I have the power within me, as does everyone. Even so, we often feel lost or stuck in control dramas reliving behaviors and patterns we don’t like because we don’t even realize it! This part is where one has to learn that awareness is always the answer. 

Take Action


Now make the application. Select a room where you can be alone and undisturbed. Sit erect, comfortable, but no not lounge. Let your thoughts roam where they will but be perfectly still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Continue this for three or four days or a week until you create complete control of your physical being through awareness. 

The Master Key System

Undoubtedly, we can read all day long, but we will not grow if we don’t apply what we learn. Sitting with ourselves in silence is necessary. If you think you can’t do this, think again. Do you want to? Maybe it seems too complicated, or you don’t want to know what can come up during your quiet time. Or perhaps you don’t have time; everyone is so busy these days.

You need to TAKE ACTION if you want to MOVE FORWARD. Start with 5 minutes a day if that is all you can commit to doing. It is a start!

Peace and Love Are Waiting for You

Personally, Wim Hof breathing and heart coherence breathing (depending on how I am feeling, I try to do one or the other) help me connect with myself daily. The Healing Code is another way I sit with myself for at least 6 minutes a day. Sitting in an ice bath for 15 minutes every week gives me a weekly reset.

Without a doubt, I don’t always sit in silence, but I do take the time to connect to myself. Sometimes my quiet time is when I am walking my dog. Get creative, and figure out what works best for you!

Our subconscious mind runs everything in our lives. It is full of beliefs, memories, and experiences. Everything that has passed in front of us somehow is in there. Indeed, the goal is to learn how to unleash our subconscious power, and reprogram our brains, so to say. This shifting has become my journey, and it will continue to be my path.

Take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.

  • What are you feeling?
  • How are you connecting to yourself daily?
  • How much time do you spend in silence?
  • Do you pay attention to your thoughts?
  • Can you catch yourself thinking negatively?
  • Are you aware and living in the moment?

Indeed, we are all on our journey. I like to share my experiences and often do in my online English sessions. This sharing is a way I can process my growth and inspire others. I am genuinely committed to learning how to validate myself and want to help others learn to validate themselves too. 

Join me in my Raising my Vibration Facebook group to learn more about my practices and motivation. 

Bekah Bottone

Article by Bekah Bottone

Published 30 May 2021